...because you can. | ||||||||
those who danced were thought to be
quite insane by those who could not hear the music |
Saturday, January 23, 2010, 7:32 PM
If you were of the world, the world would love his own; but you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. -John15:19 one of my favorite verses. :) i will be careful. when things go too good, when i feel popular amongst my friends, i must remember to ask myself: why do they like me? because i'm bearing the fruits of the Spirit, or because i'm doing what everyone else is doing? and when i declare my love for Jesus, will they mock me? will they scorn me? will they say that i am trying to be 'holy'? i will that they DO. because a life liked by the world is not a life lived for GOD. AMEN! |
i am fearfully and wonderfully made. First Name? Carmelia; 杨 Last Name? Yong; 秋彤 Birthday? 6th of October, year 1992 Eyes? dark brown Hair? dark i am a rather eccentric person. i think too much sometimes. i'm a happy girl who can be very sad. i'm nice, but selfish. and oh, hello. :) carmeliayong.blogspot is where you are now. pictures and captions live here. articles and rantings live somewhere else. >>somewhere else<< planning to... 4♥ finish writing a novel 5♥ get my novel published 7♥ cook curry 8♥ bake cookies on my own 9♥ visit Cheshire Home 10♥ lose ten kilograms 11♥ go on vacation with friends 13♥ take picture with a mime artist 14♥ post first ever v-log 15♥ make a cloth doll 16♥ play an electric guitar 17♥ bring Bunny for a dry-clean session 18♥ straighten front teeth 19♥ get paid for a published article or story 20♥ write my very own blog layout html code 21♥ compose and write a song 22♥ visit Korea 23♥ visit Ireland 24♥ design and paint/wallpaper a room 25♥ get 99 roses 26♥ obtain two rabbits 27♥ sing and dedicate the song 'Smile' by Uncle Kracker to a loved one 28♥ dance with him ...but i forget about my 'plans' very soon anyway. |
Melissa Nana Daphne Olivia Rachel looking♥back
+ what had happened this morning. + What I've been Up to Recently + Twilight + What I've been Up to Recently + New Look + i wanna be a good blogger too :3 + 5B mini-gathering @ Tanjung Aru beach + Kim Bum + have you ever wondered how those people in malls l... + AHHHHH FORGET carmeliauntitled. i can't continue a... monthly♥affairs
+ September 2009 + October 2009 + December 2009 + January 2010 + February 2010 + March 2010 + April 2010 + May 2010 + December 2010 takeabow
An accidentality production Inspiration from DancingSheep & BONBON:D |