...because you can. | ||||||||
those who danced were thought to be
quite insane by those who could not hear the music |
Saturday, January 23, 2010, 8:45 PM
everything in that website sounds ridiculous. "too radical," some might say. "psycho." more might scoff. but to those who are sincerely seeking the truth and want to find out exactly what is the deal, they will not casually just ignore 'psycho' things like that. let me remind you, people, of how the world was like years ago:
if people knew you were gay or lesbian, you'd be shunned by society. but now, everything all topsy-turvy. now, if you oppose gay rights openly, you'd be charged and have to face the court (in some states in the west) my point here is not whether gay rights are right.
my point here is, things can change so radically. if years ago homosexuality was hated so much, and now homosexuality is embraced, then it is definitely POSSIBLE and PROBABLE that some time in the future, SATANISM will be embraced as lovingly. no, it doesn't matter how determined you are not to embrace Satanism.
because in the future, you will be the old, conservative ADULTS. the next generation, who are now SPOON FED with all these Lady Gaga, vampire, blood, ritualistic, satanic stuff, will be the ones who say what's what. they are slowly being desensitized to these hardcore things.
'freedom of expression' is being used as an excuse for Satan to twist Man into something totally different than what God had created. is there any wonder why anti-christ will be able to rule this world one day? to all you skeptical people, never underestimate Satan's ability to deceive. :(
never say, "oh, don't worry, you're being too serious and psychotic." the bible warns us that Satan will blatantly disguise himself as an 'angel of light' ANGEL OF LIGHT?! if you see a heavenly figure shining with light, i doubt that you'd even for a second think that he's Satan. he is the MASTER of deception. he will even use the mistakes done by Christians to 'prove' that Christianity is wrong. Muslims scorn us partly because they think that Christians can drink and get drunk. NO! please do not confuse Christians with those who view Christianity as a 'Sunday Thing' only. :( drunkenness is explicitly forbidden in the bible. (i should know, i had to translate an article on that from Malay to English recently. complete with more than five bible verses, okay?) okay, i digressed. oops. my POINT is that Satan is very cunning. :( for example, homosexuality. you know how i think it came about?
thanks to men who treat women unequally, women fought back to liberate themselves. this is all very good, until things start to backfire. woman eventually BECAME men on the basis that sexuality is not important, because 'equality is everything'. and where did that 'equality' concept come from? thanks to the first problem. so now, when you oppose homosexuality, people will accuse YOU of trying to bring back to life the first problem, which is inequality. Satan is very cunning. :(
but of course we must always remember that God is LORD over satan. :D YAY! so in conclusion, i also think that Mr. Vigilant, who runs that very 'enlightening' website, is extremely detailed and focused on these 'Satanism in the entertainment industry' stuff.
but not in a bad way. because we cannot continue living comfortably knowing that what we see and hear comes from Satan. :(
i am fearfully and wonderfully made. First Name? Carmelia; 杨 Last Name? Yong; 秋彤 Birthday? 6th of October, year 1992 Eyes? dark brown Hair? dark i am a rather eccentric person. i think too much sometimes. i'm a happy girl who can be very sad. i'm nice, but selfish. and oh, hello. :) carmeliayong.blogspot is where you are now. pictures and captions live here. articles and rantings live somewhere else. >>somewhere else<< planning to... 4♥ finish writing a novel 5♥ get my novel published 7♥ cook curry 8♥ bake cookies on my own 9♥ visit Cheshire Home 10♥ lose ten kilograms 11♥ go on vacation with friends 13♥ take picture with a mime artist 14♥ post first ever v-log 15♥ make a cloth doll 16♥ play an electric guitar 17♥ bring Bunny for a dry-clean session 18♥ straighten front teeth 19♥ get paid for a published article or story 20♥ write my very own blog layout html code 21♥ compose and write a song 22♥ visit Korea 23♥ visit Ireland 24♥ design and paint/wallpaper a room 25♥ get 99 roses 26♥ obtain two rabbits 27♥ sing and dedicate the song 'Smile' by Uncle Kracker to a loved one 28♥ dance with him ...but i forget about my 'plans' very soon anyway. |
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